E-assessments & Solutions



Applying science and making it accessible to our clients is what we love to do. E-assessments help identifying personality characteristics relevant to for example sales, management or customer care jobs. For candidates we deliver a report that helps them with their professional development. For clients our e-assessments provide them data to select, retain and predict performance. Validation studies help in defining which personality characteristics predict success in a specific function in your unique organization.

Elevate Consulting Group has partnered with Self Management Group (based in Toronto, Canada). Our relationships goes way back and is built on trust and a similar vision. We are proud that we are able to use their psychometric tools for our own services as well as sell them directly to our clients. As the sales and service center for Europe we provide our clients with information, customized solutions and training.

We will provide you with the most popular Profiles, Screens and Solutions in Europe soon. Until then, please check the site of Self Management Group to get an idea on all products. Or check this link to learn more about the most commonly used profiles (including sample reports).

Please don’t hesitate to contact us, if you have questions or want more information.